Friday 26 October 2012


CAP in young specimens will appear bluntly cone-shaped with an
incurved margin. As maturity is reached the cap will expand but the incurved
margin will usually still be observed. The color of the cap is light-cinnamon
and is uniform and will be covered by a small white flecks in the younger
stages. With age the center of the cap will become lighter or darker thus
forming a distinctive ring that is the margin coloration. In younger specimens
the veil will be off-white, never bluing, and will hang downward from the
closed (cone-shaped) cap. The veil will disappear as the cap expands wil age.
The GILLS will usually be very closely spaced and in young specimens will
be very light-brown. This color will become black as the specimen matures.
The STEM will be from 1.5 inches to almost 4 inches high and never over
1/2 inch thick. The stem will be very uniform and evenly shaped. The top of
the stem will be vertically grooved and the lower portion of the stem will be
covered with a mat of hairlike scales and fine white powder. The stem color
will usually be white but a tint of sepia of light-cinnamon may be noted. The
stem is hollow. The bluing-reaction is noted best in the stem of this species.
The FLESH of this species will be white to yellowish. It has a taste and
odor that is like that of fine table-mushrooms purchased at the store.
This species has been collected by our team (on cow-dung) while
harvesting the Ps. cubensis. These notes have been placed in this book so that
you will not throw away this species when it occurs with the Ps. cubensis. It
is not extremely common (for every 25 Ps. cubensis collected you may find as
many as 3 this species [12% as common]) and will be discovered only
occasionally. This species matures slowly so that it will rarely be seen in
older stages if it is discovered while harvesting the Ps. cubEn7Zs.

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